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Teaching Lessons

In Wine on 12 Oct 2016

This week marks the last week of the year for Wine School, a class series I’ve been doing at the shop. I’m lucky enough to have a lot of freedom in what I teach and how, so these classes have been both a lot of fun and a tremendous learning opportunity for me. More than anything I’ve developed my philosophy about how wine should be understood and taught. Read the full article.

Cool Crete

In Wine on 28 Sep 2016

I taught a class on Greek wine the other night with a plan to introduce my students to some of the fascinating native grapes that make Greece so cool. Naturally, I had moschofilero, xinomavro, and assyrtiko on the short list. But a supplier I work with suggested an addition: A wine made from 100% liatiko from the island of Crete, produced by Douloufakis. I wasn’t familiar with the producer, but now I’m on a hunt to track down everything they make, because I never thought I’d use the word “Burgundian” on a Greek wine until I tried this one. Read the full article.

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