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Wine Folks and Drinking

In Wine on 26 Oct 2022

If you’ve seen any of my Instagram stories over the last couple of weeks you may know that I have been taking a little break from alcohol. I did not make a big thing of this because it didn’t seem like one. It’s certainly not permanent and it’s not because anything particularly bad or exciting happened. I just felt like it. Read the full article.


In Wine on 14 Sep 2022

Thanks once again to M and his work, I had the opportunity to return to Florence — and this time, take a weekend trip to the Tuscan coast for a quick visit to Bolgheri. I have found Super Tuscans fascinating for about as long as I’ve known they exist (“ever since I knew they were real,” I suppose), and have wanted to do this trip for over a decade. In addition to breaking down in tears at the first sight of the coast at sunset I had several is this real life? moments over the course of our brief stay. Read the full article.

“Throwback to Niagara, Hybrids and Sauvignon Blanc”

In Writing on 19 Jun 2022

While considering marginal-climate winemaking this weekend as I study for the ever-more-largely-looming Master of Wine Stage One Assessment, I remembered a chat I had with Niagara Escarpment grower Don DeMaison years ago in which he described his dramatic transition from growing hybrid grapes to vinifera. Read the full article.

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